Thursday, February 10, 2011

PANIC IN PORTLAND: Police Search Continues For Missing Dog Owner


Authorities were called onto the scene of a reported missing persons distress call earlier this afternoon by Oregon canine, Pickles.  ANNT reporter, Darien Clark, on the scene of the disturbance has confirmed that Pickles, after calling police forces to the point of last sighting, has waited outside of the downtown Trader Joes, softly whimpering, for “what feels like six days” in hopes of seeing her owner walk out of the store.  Although city law enforcement as a whole remain outwardly optimistic, the worried looks on the individual faces of Portland’s finest at the scene tell volumes. Owner, Morgan Samson has been officially declared missing now for almost twenty minutes.
Supporters remain hopeful.  The vigil for
Morgan Samson's safe return has run straight for almost
four minutes.  Distressed dog, Pickles (pictured),
turns to prayer and graciously thanks all for the united positivity.
“I’m trying to remain hopeful, but I know that with every second that passes, our chances of finding [owner] Morgan [Samson] grow dimmer and dimmer.  I just keep kicking myself over the whole thing.  Morgan tried to walk in with me and the management told her that there were no dogs allowed.  She tied me up out here and I haven’t seen her sense.  It feels like it’s been days,” Pickles tells ANNT, holding back a howl, “weeks even.”
Ms. Clark reports that local dogs, tied up next to Pickles, have held a round-the-clock candle light vigil as the police search continues.  “The support flooding in from everywhere has been incredible. I love to see the community come together like this;” bemoans Pickles, “I just wish it were under better circumstances.  I'd like to thank everyone for their prayers.”  

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